Tips for using electronic logging device eld len dubois. Most log book violations are due to not paying attention to details. Truck driving tips 7 safety rules for truckers esurance. Keep your log book current make sure to update your log book with every change of duty. We offer some trucker tips for how to ensure you are getting the truck thats right for you and suited to your type of trucking. Mar 18, 20 i meant more along the lines of tips like using a crutch, or crinkling the paper for an easier roll and smoother burn.
Youre new, you second guess everything you do, you lack confidence, and youre not sure how to maximize every minute you have in order to make the most money you possibly can. If you need help learning how to fill out a log book correctly. We have different experiences from truck drivers from all over the. As a professional driver, the best way to adapt to the system, is to utilize its strengths to your a. You do not want to ever have a log book violation, ever.
This doesnt neccessarily need to be where you fueled just that you were on duty. The driver has a fresh logbook with a fresh 70 hours available. So im done with tomatoes and the 10 speeds, moving onto a bottomdumps and transfers with speeds. Mar 18, 2020 tips for planning your trips planning is a must for all truckers. Written for trucking companies, an attorney provides a list of ways in which truck drivers cheat on electronic logs that result in significant disparities between whats in the log. I meant more along the lines of tips like using a crutch, or crinkling the paper for an easier roll and smoother burn. Nov 01, 2014 written for trucking companies, an attorney provides a list of ways in which truck drivers cheat on electronic logs that result in significant disparities between whats in the log books and the real hours that the trucker is behind the wheel. Other motorists may not be aware of a trucks no zones those where crashes are most likely to occur. Something that i have learned to appreciate in her. Tricks of the trade and truckers money saving trade secrets. With paper logs, you could update your log book when you left a shipper, or after fueling, if you chose. Often times, drivers would take advantage of the system and falsify records. As part of my hiring process we took a drive in a speed just around the block and i.
It is the trucking company thats ultimately accountable when a truck accident occurs. The driver records the amount of time spent driving, onduty not driving, in the sleeper berth, or off duty. Despite the new legislation mandating electronic logging devices elds that will apply to almost all. Trucking companies cannot depend on the banking system to provide working capital solutions or trucking business loans. No matter how busy you are youre expected to keep your log book in good order. On falsifying a log book entry as a professional truck driver. I park my truck in a parking spot, get out of the truck and walk toward the operating center. The key to adapting to elogs is to get into good habits. Fifty tips and tricks for expediters expeditenow magazine. Everything in trucking begins and ends with dispatch.
Get into the habit of changing your status immediately. To catch these violations before, its up to the trucking companies to catch truckers when they cheat on their log books. Top 30 truck driving tips from experienced truck drivers. Note that the start time of the day and start time of the shift may not be the same. Something that i have learned to appreciate in her books is her poetry. Heres our list of truck driver safety pointers perfect for both drivers new to their vehicles and savvy pros looking for a quick refresher. Over the years, accidents involving commercial trucks increased and this was partially blamed on the lack of control over commercial drivers h. The eld mandate in the trucking industry the impact.
Pimp my ride would take vehicles and usually apply a custom paintjob as part of the change, as the achievement also describes to be obtained. Follow these tips and save yourself time and very possibly money. Once youre unloaded, youll have your full 14hour duty clock and your full 11hours of driving available for the next load assignment you receive. Given those examples, no one can excuse falsifying a log book entry. The log book system works but it requires drivers to keep accurate logs and sometimes people make mistakes.
Sep 30, 2016 well this e log mandate is gonna improve safety little cheats i use although it aint a paper log but i can still cheat. Experienced professional truck drivers have picked up tricks of the trade over the years to help them with the operation of. Tips for planning your trips planning is a must for all truckers. American truck simulator cheats, codes, and secrets for pc. Now, we are all different and not everything that meant trouble for me will be presenting a issue for you. This will be your shortcut to success as you gain from my mistakes or the ones ive seen. How to handle high safety risk deliveries staying safe in unknown areas. Log books, paper work and organization this is a bit outed now that paper logs are almost a thing of the past be organized and stay on top of your paperwork. May 25, 2017 your log must indicate the hour at which the day begins. Check back regularly for all the comings and goings at rocketbook. Here are six truck driving tips i would like to share and give the trainers that assisted me credit, where it is most certainly overdue.
See more ideas about truck driver wife and truck living. Aug 20, 2009 tricks is the second book that i have read by ellen hopkins and once again, she left me feeling so many different emotions. This section will give you some tips and tricks to maximizing your hours. If you need help learning how to fill out a log book correctly, the fmcsa has hoursofservice logbook examples on their site. Truck company safety managers surely should notice discrepancies in the drivers logs during audits. Tricks is the second book that i have read by ellen hopkins and once again, she left me feeling so many different emotions. Logbooks made simple, a truckers guide to better logs.
Buying your first big rig as a new owner operator is an important move as a new business owner, and its something you want to get. Included are sections on the basic log format, hours of service regulations such as the 11 hour rule, 14 hour rule, 60 or 70 hour rule, 16 hour exception, 34 hour restart, 10 hour break options, and split sleeper berth option, log speed limit, adverse driving condtions, off duty logs, and daily recap instructions in addition to tips and. I offered advice on how to work with brokers, pulling. The driver records the amount of time spent driving, onduty not driving, in the sleeper. Buying your first big rig as a new owner operator is an important move as a new business owner, and its something you want to get right. Well this elog mandate is gonna improve safety little cheats i use although it aint a paper log but i can still cheat. As part of my hiring process we took a drive in a speed just around the block and i drove fine but it was an empty set of doubles so i didnt split any of the top gears.
A simpler form of this is to simply discard the current log book and begin a new logbook showing 7 consecutive days off duty thus satisfying dots requirement of having the past 7 days on the truck. A written or electronic record of a drivers duty status which must be maintained at all times. Being put oos is a significant hit to your companys safety rating. Logging tips and tricks high road online cdl training. Keep your log book accurate inspectors can see when you crossed the border and company fuel cards transactions are time stamped. The first several months of your driving career is tough. Examples of cheating on logbooks page 1 truckingtruth forum. Exposing log book tricks discussion in experienced truckers advice started by jlkklj777, jan 1, 2008. The book itself isnt exactly poetry but has parts in it that are novels, written through poetry. Last month, i had the pleasure of talking to a group of owneroperators and aspiring small fleet owners in kansas city as part of cmc live. Cdl truck driver skills tips, tricks smart trucking.
The achievement name pimp my truck is a play on words on the title pimp my ride, a tv series which aired in the mid 2000s. How to handle your dispatcher tips to work well with your dispatcher. The name of the driver and, if the driver is a member of a driving team, the names of all codrivers that will be sharing duties. Youre new, you second guess everything you do, you lack confidence, and youre not sure how to. Experienced professional truck drivers have picked up tricks of the trade over the years to help them with the operation of their trucks. Therefore, it behooves you to keep your log book uptodate with the most recent change in driver status. Included are sections on the basic log format, hours of service regulations such as the 11 hour rule, 14 hour rule, 60 or 70 hour rule, 16 hour exception, 34 hour restart, 10 hour break options. Welcome to the rocketbook blog where you will find news, app updates, new product launches, resources, and howtos. Keep your log book current with the last change in duty status and abide by the hours of service. Examples of cheating on logbooks page 1 truckingtruth. The electronic log book system, elog, is becoming a fact of life for truckers, like it or not. Prior to the coronavirus covid19 outbreak, carriers and brokers had.
Finding the bestpaying freight loads to haul is the most important job for every trucking company. Follow this list of tips for newbie truck drivers and i can guarantee. It will help you be more productive, more safe and earn more money at an. Trucking tips for new drivers to help make life as a trucker a little less painful and a lot more productive. Your log must indicate the hour at which the day begins. The electronic log book system, e log, is becoming a fact of life for truckers, like it or not. Jan 04, 2017 now, we are all different and not everything that meant trouble for me will be presenting a issue for you.
Many companies go out of business because they dont know how to find good loads. This means that each time you go from offduty to onduty, your log must be updated. Mar 10, 2020 things i have found that should be of interest to our truck driver friends and customers. I offered advice on how to work with brokers, pulling from my 30plus years of experience doing everything from dispatch for carriers and pricing loads for brokers. Fines for falsifying your log book can be steep and you can be put out of service. Also my cheats involve being in same area or deadheading back to that same. Start each shift by recording the following information in your logbook. This will help to ensure that you remain offduty the entire time your truck is being unloaded provided you arent the one unloading the truck, in which case you must log the time as onduty.
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